Apache Syncope 2.1.2 已发布,Apache Syncope 是一种用于管理企业环境中的数字身份的开源系统,采用 Java EE 技术实现。主要更新内容:
- [SYNCOPE-1019] – Template mechanism for Enduser UI
- [SYNCOPE-1220] – Support Groovy implementations in the Netbeans IDE plugin
- [SYNCOPE-1367] – Add some accessibility features to Enduser
- [SYNCOPE-1369] – User requests
- [SYNCOPE-1379] – Make configurable resource check timeout
- [SYNCOPE-1382] – Failure specifying push task filters including db column mapped as integer
- [SYNCOPE-1384] – SAML 2.0: Allow to customize RequestedAuthnContext for a given Service Provider
- [SYNCOPE-1385] – Priority propagation timeout hard coded into PriorityPropagationTaskExecutor
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/101559/syncope-2-1-2-released