React 开发团队于2018年10月24日在官方博客宣布了React 16.6.0。官方表示,该版本新增了不少便利的特性,下面我们不妨去了解一下吧!
按照官方的说法,React.memo() 主要是用于函数式组件,作为 PureComponent 的替代方案;React.lazy() 则是使用 Suspense 进行代码分割的方法;新增的 contextType 则是作为一种更符合使用习惯的方式用于从类订阅上下文。
Class components can bail out from rendering when their input props are the same using PureComponent
or shouldComponentUpdate
. Now you can do the same with function components by wrapping them in React.memo
const MyComponent = React.memo(function MyComponent(props) { /* only rerenders if props change */ });
: Code-Splitting with Suspense
You may have seen Dan’s talk about React Suspense at JSConf Iceland. Now you can use the Suspense component to do code-splitting by wrapping a dynamic import in a call to React.lazy()
import React, {lazy, Suspense} from 'react'; const OtherComponent = lazy(() => import('./OtherComponent')); function MyComponent() { return ( <Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}> <OtherComponent /> </Suspense> ); }
The Suspense component will also allow library authors to start building data fetching with Suspense support in the future.
Note: This feature is not yet available for server-side rendering. Suspense support will be added in a later release.