Angular 的 Material Design 风格框架 material2 发布了 7.0.1 版本,这主要是一个 bug 修复版本:
Bug 修复
- autocomplete: not propagating same model value when reset while open (#13634) (2006144)
- button-toggle: content shifting in IE11 (#13492) (7f5cbe3)
- datepicker: don’t allow clicks on disabled cells in year and multi-year views (#13448) (85741e0)
- drag-drop: not picking up handle that isn’t a direct descendant (#13360) (0f05d99)
- drag-drop: preserve previous inline transform (#13529) (2a8da45)
- drag-drop: use passive event listeners for start events (#13526) (5d5fba5)
- expansion-panel: emitting events twice on some browsers (#13600) (85a3ae0)
- form-field: native select options blending in with dropdown background on a dark theme (#13201) (b8a6294)
- grid-list: unable to assign numeric zero as gutter size (#13652) (4ffcf74)
- list: selection list moving focus when an option is destroyed (#13531) (2c4c5ba)
- menu: closing parent overlay when pressing escape (#13442) (c3ae922)
- menu: proper focus styling when opened by tap on a touch device (#13599) (c271167)
- progress-bar: not taking current path after first initialization (#13628) (8e331a7)
- radio: improved alignment for native validation messages (#13570) (dbf5164)
- sidenav: opened and closed events emitting twice on IE and Edge (#13649) (5295e2f)
- slider: update value on mousedown instead of click (#13020) (c995db7)
- stepper: custom icons not centered inside circle (#12947) (45edf64)
- stepper: emitting the animationDone event twice on some browsers (#13608) (a11ca21), closes #13600#13587
- stepper: intl provider not being picked up in lazy-loaded modules (#12934) (00ce69b)
- table: delimit words when filtering (#13487) (1d87b4c)
- text-field: autosize textarea not resizing on minRows decrease (#13437) (8bae5b4)
Material Design for Angular 是 Angular 官方团队开发的基于最新版本 Angular 的 Material Design 风格的框架,可和 Nest.js 搭配使用做全栈开发。
针对 Angular 1 版本的实现
Angular Material 目标是按照 Material Design 规范构建一组使用 Angular 和 TypeScript 构建的高质量 UI 组件。这些组件将作为如何按照最佳实践编写 Angular 代码的示例。
支持所有主流浏览器的最新版本:Chrome (包括 Android, Firefox, Safari (包括 iOS)和 IE11 / Edge。