
Angular.js 1.7.4 发布,Web 前端框架

Angular.js 1.7.4 已发布,包含以下修复更新:

  • ngAria.ngClick: prevent default event on space/enter only for non-interactive elements (61b335#16664#16680)
  • ngAnimate: remove the “prepare” classes with multiple structural animations (3105b2#16681#16677)
  • $route: correctly extract path params if the path contains a question mark or a hash (2ceeb7)
  • ngHref: allow numbers and other objects in interpolation (30084c#16652#16626)
  • select: allow to select first option with value undefined (668a33#16653#16656)


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/99734/angularjs-1-7-4-released