
Kubernetes 1.10.4 和 1.11.0-beta.2,容器编排工具

Kubernetes 1.10.4 和 1.11.0-beta.2,容器编排工具

Kubernetes 1.10.4 和 1.11.0-beta.2 已发布,主要更新是 bug 修复,更新内容较多。


  • Fixes issue for readOnly subpath mounts for SELinux systems and when the volume mountPath already existed in the container image. (#64351@msau42)
  • Fixed CSI gRPC connection leak during volume operations. (#64519@vladimirvivien)
  • In case StorageObjectInUse feature is disabled and Persistent Volume (PV) or Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) contains a finalizer and the PV or PVC is deleted it is not automatically removed from the system. Now, it is automatically removed. (#62938@pospispa)
  • Fixed SELinux relabeling of CSI volumes. (#64026@jsafrane)
  • Fixed error reporting of CSI volumes attachment. (#63303@jsafrane)
  • fix azure file size grow issue (#64383@andyzhangx)
  • Fixed detach of already detached CSI volumes. (#63295@jsafrane)


  • Add Vertical Pod Autoscaler to autoscaling/v2beta1 (#63797@kgrygiel)
  • kubeadm: only run kube-proxy on architecture consistent nodes (#64696@dixudx)
  • kubeadm: Add a new kubeadm upgrade node config command (#64624@luxas)
  • Orphan delete is now supported for custom resources (#63386@roycaihw)
  • Update version of Istio addon from 0.6.0 to 0.8.0. (#64537@ostromart)
  • Provides API support for external CSI storage drivers to support block volumes. (#64723@vladimirvivien)
  • kubectl will list all allowed print formats when an invalid format is passed. (#64371@CaoShuFeng)

1.10.4 更新详情 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.10.md#v1104
1.11.0-beta.2 更新详情 https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/CHANGELOG-1.11.md#v1110-beta2


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/96971/kubernetes-v1-11-0-beta2-1-10-4-released