Calibre 3.24.1 发布了,Calibre 是一款功能强大的电子书管理软件,支持 Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song 设备及格式。此次更新内容如下:
- Conversion: EPUB Output: Add an option to output EPUB 3 files.
- PDF Output: Add an option to break long words at the ends of lines.
- PDF Output: Allow using images in the header/footer templates
- Add an option to use two lines for the text under the toolbar button in Preferences->Look & feel
- Edit book: Spell check: Update the number of misspelled words/total words displayed when correcting/ignoring words.
- Edit book: Fix HTML: Automatically resolve private entities
- Improve formatting of help in Preferences->Tweaks
- ToC Editor: Allow undo for renaming single items as well.
Bug 修复
- Version 3.24.1 fixes a regression in the 3.24 in the editor that caused syncing between the editor and the Preview panel/Live CSS panel to not work correctly
- PDF Output: Strip zero-width space characters from the text as their presence prevents searching from working
- DOCX Output: Fix
- DOCX Input: Fix incorrect conversion of a framed block that contains a list.
- Conversion: Fix private entities that use the same name as an HTML entity not being handled correctly
- Viewer: Fix HTML files with private entities displaying an artifact at the top
- Edit book: Check book: Show an error for HTML files with private entities
- EPUB3 Input: Fix titlepage being referred to in the nav causing two titlepage entries in the final book.
- Fix throbber buttons not being perfectly aligned inside toolbars
- Quickview: Fix sizes not being displayed.
- Edit book: Compress images tool: Do not mark the book as changed if no images could be further compressed.
- Book list split-view: Fix horizontal scroll position of split view can change when changing the current column in one view.
- Fix Bookeen Saga not being recognized on macOS/Linux.
- Edit metadata dialog: Fix undo last trim not working for automatic trims.
- Content server: Fix series field blank in Italian translation
- BeautifulSoup: Port fix from upstream for outputting bare ampersands in strings.
- calibredb add: Run the input plugins before reading metadata instead of after.