TensorFlow.js 是一个开源硬件加速 JavaScript 库,用于训练和部署机器学习模型。
TensorFlow.js 0.10.3 已发布,包含大量更新:
Core (0.7.1 ==> 0.8.4)
- Add tf.toPixels
- Add tf.erf op
- Add tf.movingAverage
- Add tf.resizeNearestNeighbor
- Add slice ergonomics
- Finish gradient for tf.pow
- Add gradients for tf.batchNormalization4d
- Finish gradient for tf.matMul
- Add tf.logSigmoid and tf.softplus and gradients
Breaking changes
- Require shape in tensor2d/3d/4d(flatValues, shape)
- Align API with TF
- Align webgl and cpu backend to be closer to TF
Bug fixes
- Implement floordiv for integer division & update CONTRIBUTING.md
- Make CPU matmul 100x faster
- Modify tf.split signature to preserve rank
- Add yarn “link-local” and yarn “publish-local”
- Add quotemark rule to tslint
- Make core tests reusable by other packages
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95556/tensorflowjs-0-10-3-released