Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X33.3 发布, 新版本支持导入行的包文件列表跳转,代码完成支持 GOPATH / vendor 包列表提示。重构了调试行为,Go 代码 Debug/DebugTest 移入编译菜单中,编译调试版本时可根据当前 Go 版本自动选择适应的 gcflags 编译设置,以更好的支持 Go1.10。
### 2018.04.23 Ver X33.3 * LiteIDE * support import jump to package source file * support import hints for all package on code completer * add build & debug action to build menu * fix build debug gcflags for go version * LiteApp * fix tab style sheet for Qt5.9 on macOS * project wizard add gocmdex/gopkgex for anywhere * LiteBuild * build config file add debug support * golang build add debug/debugtest action * fix golang build debug gcflags depends for go version * LiteDebug * filesystem add debug file action * remove internal golang build function * LiteEditor * reimplemented backspace quotes audo insert/remove action * GolangCode * parser import package for GOPATH * fix vendor import for code completer * add import hints for all package option (default) * add parser cgo completer list on editor * GolangEdit * fix import line navigate show link source * add import line jump to package file list * QuickOpen * add quickopenfolder implement * gotools * add new debugflag action for print debug gcflags for go version * types find import dir check vendor * types add import info and doc * fix astview pkg nil check
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95445/liteide-x33-3-released