Android Studio 3.2 Canary 11 发布了。主要更新内容如下:
- Record a method trace during app startup
- Lint checks to ensure Java code interops well with Kotlin (available since Canary 10)
- Issue#77240636: Solid black-filled areas are missing in a vector drawable imported from SVG
- Issue#77303892: Losing alpha channel in Image Asset Studio on Windows with Russian Locale.
- Issue#77522540: Deprecation for ‘compile’ points people to ‘implementation’
- Issue#68977385: Lambda causes crash in specific situation
- Issue#72637989: Build does not run with instant run enabled on AS 3.1 Beta 1
- Issue#74961584: Studio disables sdcard whenever data partition is resized
- Issue#74493350: Apply fix to multiple files by one operation
- Issue#37075533: Lint check to avoid compiler-generated synthetic accessor methods & constructors.
- Issue#76404689: Advanced profiling causes device to crash with StackOverflowError
- Issue#72872264: Studio Freeze (ANR)
- Issue#76456341: Multiline log messages should be indented consistently between the Logcat and Run windows
- Issue#73048570: Translations Editor – deleting keys does not update list.