SparkyLinux 4.8 RC 发布了,代号 ” Buster “。SparkyLinux 是轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并以定制的 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面为特色。它构建于 Debian GNU/Linux 的测试分支之上。
- – full system upgrade from Debian stable repos as of April 11, 2018
- – Linux kernel 4.9.82
- – Calamares 3.1.12 with an option of installing system on an encrypted disk
- – added new option of live system booting which lets you choose a localization (via kernel parametr) and keyboard layout (via a new script)
- – sparky tools which need the root access use pkexec now instead of gksu/gksudo/kdesudo/etc.
- – added packages: xinit (provides startx command) and bleachbit (for cleaning the system)
- – temporary removed gscreenshot and replaced with sparky-screenshot
- – sparky advanced installer features 4 localizations now: Brazilian, English, German and Polish (more translations needed!); fixed removing partitions from the partition list after choosing and used them;