
AppCode 2018.1.1 发布,集成开发环境

AppCode 2018.1.1 发布,集成开发环境

AppCode 2018.1.1 发布了。主要更新内容如下:

  • Header maps support
  • Improved wizard for adding associated targets
  • Fixes for the following issues:
    • Lost keystrokes input during freezing (IDEA-186636)
    • Surrounding characters (?/!) are removed when selecting a method to override via completion (OC-16974)
    • “Fatal error: Can’t unsafeBitCast between types of different sizes” error in the Debugger console (OC-16919)
    • Exceptions when completing a method in Objective-C (OC-16920, OC-16989)



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95087/appcode-2018-1-1-released