
Apache Geode 1.5.0 发布,数据管理平台

Apache Geode 1.5.0 发布,数据管理平台

Apache Geode 1.5.0 已发布,Apache Geode 是一个数据管理平台,提供实时的、一致的、贯穿整个云架构地访问数据关键型应用。

Geode 1.5.0 包含许多改进和错误修复。 此版本在 OQL 查询的 WHERE 子句中增加对算术运算符的支持,销毁网关接收器的新 API,允许泛型与 registerInterest API 一起使用等:

  • Added support for arithmetic operators (‘mod’, ‘%’, ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘/’, ‘*’) in the WHERE clause of OQL queries
  • Added new API to destroy a gateway receiver
  • Added support for java.util.Map#get in OQL when security is enabled
  • Fixed compile error when using ALL_KEYS or List in the registerInterest APIs if the region keys are typed. Deprecated ALL_KEYS and List parameters and added new APIs specifically for all keys and a list of keys.
  • Changed mapIndexKeys hash set to handle concurrent access to prevent index update threads from hanging and causing high CPU usage.



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94965/apache-geode-1-5-0-released