Visual Studio Code 1.22.0 和 1.22.1 发布了。
- Syntax aware code folding – Adds improved folding for CSS, HTML, JSON, and Markdown files.
- Cross file error, warning and reference navigation – Move quickly around your workspace.
- New Hint suggestions – Makes it easy to spot suggested fixes or refactorings in the editor.
- Convert to ES6 refactoring – New Code Actions to convert to ES6 classes and modules.
- Auto attach to process – Automatically attach the debugger to running Node.js processes.
- Logpoints – Inject logging without changing source code or restarting your debug session.
- Better large file support – Faster syntax highlighting and easily increase memory for very large files.
- Multi-line links in the terminal – Paths and URLs can span lines in the Integrated Terminal.
- Emmet wrap preview – Live preview for Emmet’s wrap with abbreviation functionality.
- Improved updates on Windows – Automatically updates in the background for less downtime.
- Preview: Organize JS/TS imports – Remove unused and sort remaining imports.