Python 3.6.5 是 Python 3.6 的第五个维护版,Python 3.6 包含了许多新特性和对旧版本的优化。
- PEP 468, Preserving Keyword Argument Order
- PEP 487, Simpler customization of class creation
- PEP 495, Local Time Disambiguation
- PEP 498, Literal String Formatting
- PEP 506, Adding A Secrets Module To The Standard Library
- PEP 509, Add a private version to dict
- PEP 515, Underscores in Numeric Literals
- PEP 519, Adding a file system path protocol
- PEP 520, Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order
- PEP 523, Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython
- PEP 524, Make os.urandom() blocking on Linux (during system startup)
- PEP 525, Asynchronous Generators (provisional)
- PEP 526, Syntax for Variable Annotations (provisional)
- PEP 528, Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 529, Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8
- PEP 530, Asynchronous Comprehensions
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94702/python-3-6-5-released