
Jackson 2.9.5 发布,高性能 JSON 处理

Jackson 2.9.5 已发布,Jackson 是一个 Java 用来处理 JSON 格式数据的类库,性能非常好。

本次更新包含 138 个提交,其中包括:

  • add direct dep to snapshot repo to allow use of snapshot of parent
  • Renaming “with”->”enable”, “without”->”disable”, “set”->”configure” for TokenStreamFactory builder
  • Removing obsolete `since` annotations (pre-3.0)
  • improve testing wrt symbol intern()ing (or not)
  • Add basic tests for `nextFieldName(matcher)` (for json backend)


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94662/jackson-2-9-5-released