Apache Jackrabbit Oak 是一种可扩展的高性能分层内容存储库,旨在用作现代世界级网站和其他要求苛刻的内容应用程序的基础。
Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.42 是一个补丁版本,包含对 Oak 1.0 稳定版的修复和改进:
Technical task [OAK-7036] - add JDBC driver information to metadata map [OAK-7289] - RDBDocumentStore: potential NPE in error handling code Bug [OAK-5733] - OAK 1.0 test failures with MongoDB 3.2 [OAK-6392] - Partial lastRev update with branches disabled [OAK-7152] - CacheMap.clear() never returns [OAK-7244] - RDBDocumentStore: fix typo in metadata Improvement [OAK-4859] - Warn if lease update is invoked with large delay Task [OAK-7322] - Mention SHA512 checksums in release notes [OAK-7336] - stop advertising MD5 checksums [OAK-7347] - Incorrect link to KEYS in release notes [OAK-7350] - stop creating MD5 checksums for releases
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94600/apache-jackrabbit-oak-1-0-42-released