Teiid 10.2.0 发布,此次发布总共修复了 54 个问题。
- TEIID-5236 Updated support for GeoServer and 9.4+ PostgreSQL JDBC drivers.
- TEIID-5246 Simplified configuration when using an external load balancer.
- TEIID-5248 v4 Api Support for Google Spreadsheets.
- TEIID-5220 Additional Npgsql support via limited information_schema support.
- Several important OData translator issues were addressed – if you use the OData translator, you should upgrade or use next fix release 10.0.5/10.1.3
- Teiid 10.1.3 and 10.0.5 will be available in about 3 weeks.
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94506/teiid-10-2-0-released