Apache MINA 2.0.17 发布了,Mina是一个能够帮助用户开发高性能和高伸缩性网络应用程序的框架,它通过Java nio技术基于TCP/IP和UDP/IP协议提供了抽象的、事件驱动的、异步的API。
Bugs :
- [DIRMINA-844] – Http Proxy Authentication failed to complete (see description for exact point of failure)
- [DIRMINA-1002] – Mina IoHandlerEvents missing inputClosed enum item.
- [DIRMINA-1051] – The MD5withRSA cipher is not anymore supported by
- Java 8, and our tests certificates have been generated with it.
- [DIRMINA-1052] – Fix the mvn-site command
- [DIRMINA-1056] – IllegalArgumentException when setting max and minReadBufferSize > 65536 (default)
- [DIRMINA-1057] – AbstractIoSession getScheduledWriteMessages always negative?
- [DIRMINA-1059] – NioProcessor’s selector is synchronized but accessed outside
- [DIRMINA-1060] – Handle the spinning selectors in Socket/Datagram Acceptor and Connector
- [DIRMINA-1072] – SslFilter does not account for SSLEngine runtime exceptions
- [DIRMINA-1073] – NioSocketSession#isSecured does not comply with interface contract
- [DIRMINA-1076] – Leaking NioProcessors/NioSocketConnectors hanging in call to dispose
- [DIRMINA-1077] – Threads hanging in dispose() on SSLHandshakeException
Improvement :
- [DIRMINA-1061] – When AbstractPollingIoProcessor read nothing, free the temporary buffer should be better
Task :
- [DIRMINA-1058] – Add the missing Javadoc
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/94312/mina-2-0-17-released