Tails 3.6 发布了。主要更新内容如下:
- 您现在可以通过单击系统菜单中的按钮来锁定屏幕。
- 改进了附加软件持久性功能的后端
- 安装 pdf-redact-tools 命令行工具,通过将元数据转换为 PNG 图像来清理元数据并对其进行编辑。
- 当Tails无法启动GNOME时,现在会显示一条指示显卡名称的错误消息。
- The Tails documentation launcher on the desktop now opens the documentation on our website if you are online.
- Install drivers for the Video Acceleration API to improve the display of videos on many graphics cards.
- Upgrade Electrum from 2.7.9 to 3.0.6.
- Upgrade Linux to 4.15.0.
- Upgrade Tor to
- Upgrade Thunderbird 52.6.0.
We also activated the AppArmor profile of Thunderbird from Debian to confine Thunderbird for security.
- Rewrite some internal scripts from shell scripting to Python, thanks to GoodCrypto.
- Remove the display of debug and error messages when starting.
- Fix the ISO image selection being unavailable in Tails Installer in languages other than English. (#15233)
- Fix OpenPGP Applet being unresponsive when decrypting a lot of text. (#6398)
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/94171/tails-3-6-released