
OkHttp 3.10.0 发布,轻量的 Java 网络请求框架

OkHttp 3.10.0 发布了,OkHttp 是一个轻量的 Java 网络请求框架。本次更新内容如下:

  • New: HttpUrl.addQueryParameter() percent-escapes more characters. Previously several ASCII punctuation characters were not percent-escaped when used with this method. This does not impact already-encoded query parameters in APIs like HttpUrl.parse() andHttpUrl.Builder.addEncodedQueryParameter().
  • New: CBC-mode ECDSA cipher suites have been removed from OkHttp’s default configuration: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA andTLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA. This tracks a Chromium change to remove these cipher suites because they are fragile and rarely-used.
  • New: Don’t fall back to common name (CN) verification for hostnames. This behavior was deprecated with RFC 2818 in May 2000 and was recently dropped from major web browsers.
  • New: Honor the Retry-After response header. HTTP 503 (Unavailable) responses are retried automatically if this header is present and its delay is 0 seconds. HTTP 408 (Client Timeout) responses are retried automatically if the header is absent or its delay is 0 seconds.
  • New: Allow request bodies for all HTTP methods except GET and HEAD.
  • New: Automatic module name of okhttp3 for use with the Java Platform Module System.
  • New: Log gzipped bodies when HttpLoggingInterceptor is used as a network interceptor.
  • New: Protocol.QUIC constant. This protocol is not supported but this constant is included for completeness.
  • New: Upgrade to Okio 1.14.0.

详细内容请查看 ChangeLog


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/93680/okhttp-3-10-0