Gitlab 发布 10.4.4 版本,该版本主要是安全方面修复以及 bug 修复,包括:
Security (1 change)
- Update nokogiri to 1.8.2. !16807
Fixed (9 changes)
- Fix 500 error when loading a merge request with an invalid comment. !16795
- Cleanup new branch/merge request form in issues. !16854
- Fix GitLab import leaving group_id on ProjectLabel. !16877
- Fix forking projects when no restricted visibility levels are defined applicationwide. !16881
- Resolve PrepareUntrackedUploads PostgreSQL syntax error. !17019
- Fixed error 500 when removing an identity with synced attributes and visiting the profile page. !17054
- Validate user namespace before saving so that errors persist on model.
- LDAP Person no longer throws exception on invalid entry.
- Fix JIRA not working when a trailing slash is included.