![Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X33.2 发布](http://www.linuxeden.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/liteide.gif)
Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X33.2 发布。新版本目录工具窗口支持分离模式,查找功能修复了正则替换错误。
GoTools工具使用 Go1.10 编译,预编译的发行版本在 Linux 上使用Ubuntu16.04+Qt4.8.7编译,新增了 ArchLinux PKGBUILD 文件下载。
### 2018.02.14 Ver X33.2 * LiteIDE * add folder tool window split mode swith * add archlinux makepkg * add tcl syntax and build * LiteEditor * support function color, thanks [discoverfly](https://github.com/discoverfly) * add default-func color theme * add style for scroll bars in sublime.qss, thanks [hauke96](https://github.com/hauke96) * add marks for selections and findings, thanks [jinq0123](https://github.com/jinq0123) * LiteFind * fix editor regexp replace * LiteBuild * add context menu go tool action
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/93438/liteide-x33-2