
Apache Tomcat 8.0.43 和 7.0.77 发布

Apache Tomcat 8.0.43 和 7.0.77 发布

Apache Tomcat 8.0.43 包括针对 8.0.42 中标识的问题以及其他增强和更改的修复程序。

  •  54618: Add support to the HttpHeaderSecurityFilter for the HSTS preload parameter. (markt)
  •  60876: Ensure that Set-Cookie headers generated by the Rfc6265CookieProcessor are aligned with the specification. Patch provided by Jim Griswold. (markt)
  • 60911: Ensure NPE will not be thrown when looking for SSL session ID. Based on a patch by Didier Gutacker. (violetagg)
  • ……


Apache Tomcat 7.0.77 主要是一些 bug 修复和改进。

  • When using the NIO2 connector, ensure a WebSocket close frame is processed before the end of stream is processed to ensure that the end of stream is processed correctly. (markt)
  • 60852: Correctly spell compressible when used in configuration attributes and internal code. Based on a patch by Michael Osipov. (markt)
  • Improve sendfile handling when requests are pipelined. (markt)
  • ……


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/83518/apache-tomcat-8-0-43-and-7-0-77