Peppermint OS 是基于 Lubuntu 的 Linux 发行,它的设计目标是超级快以及对系统资源要求低。通过采用 Mozilla 的 Prism 技术,Peppermint 能与云计算及基于网页的应用无缝集成。该发行的其他特性包括自动更新,简易的逐步式安装,雅致且用户友好的界面,以及通过直接与云计算应用集成而达到的增强的移动性。
Peppermint 8 Respin-2 的最新版本是 Peppermint 8 ISO 镜像的安全更新,包含对Meltdown和Spectre缓解措施。
- All updates as of 3rd February 2018 are included in the ISO image.
- The ISO now comes with the Meltdown/Spectre mitigated 4.13.0-32 HWE kernel ‘out of the box’.
- The ISO now comes with the Meltdown/Spectre mitigated Chromium web browser version 64.
- Fixed a bug that was stopping flash content playing in SSB’s due to the option to ‘always allow flash’ being removed in recent versions of Chromium/Chrome.
- Fixed a bug where when a user chose to tell xdg-open to remember which application to use for magnet and mailto links in Chromium, the settings were lost when the browser was restarted.