Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X33.1 正式发布。 新版本对菜单进行调整和规范,新增了工具菜单,编辑菜单保持可见,重命名了部分工具窗口。 修复了编辑器内查找功能的全文替换错误, 对快速打开文件操作 ( ctrl+p / command+p ) 改用线程方式重新实现,新增了快速打开命令功能 ( ctrl+shift+p / command+shift+p ),集成了 gomodifytags 并提供GUI界面实现对结构体 Tags 的快速增删功能。
LiteIDE X33.1 使用 go1.10beta1 编译, 支持 Go1.9 / Go1.10beta1 或者更低的 Go 版本。
2017.12.12 Ver X33.1
- LiteIDE
- support quick open command
- support gomodifytags
- fix libpng warning on qt5 build
- LiteApp
- add tools menu for quick open actions
- standard and rename tool window title
- enable edit menu anytime, fix edit menu disable on editor lost focus.
- fix editor load large file bad_alloc recover
- LiteEnv
- add select env to tools menu
- LiteEditor
- check and not open large file
- fix edit hide edit sub menu ‘setup’ on macos
- LiteFind
- fix find editor replace all wrap around* GolangEdit
- Integrated gomodifytags and gui tools support gomodifytags all options
- QuickOpen
- add quick open command action (ctrl+shift+p/command+shift+p)
- quickopenfiles use thread for fast and cancel
- fix quickopenfile cancel loading for esc or liteapp quit
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/91432/liteide-x33-1