Lighttpd 1.4.48 已发布,Lighttpd 是一个开源 Web 服务器软件,旨在提供一个专门针对高性能网站,安全、快速、兼容性好并且灵活的 Web Server 环境。具有非常低的内存开销,CPU 占用率低,效能好,以及丰富的模块等特点。
- mod_authn_sasl (新), meson build system (新), revamp build systems
- bug 修复
- [mod_webdav] fix crash if stat fails, not ENOENT
- [core] fix build —disable-ipv6 (fixes #2832)
- [scons] Merge branch ‘personal/stbuehler/scons-cleanup’
- [autobuild] Merge branch ‘personal/stbuehler/autobuild-cleanup’
- [meson] new build system
- [core] fix var.CWD (regression in 1.4.46) (fixes #2835)
- [core] fix implicit wildcard IPv4 and IPv6 listen
- [autobuild] remove obsolete warning about mmap use
- [core] isolate sock_addr manipulation
- [stat_cache] remove debug code littered in file
- [core] cleanup unused ifndef
- [core] cleanup: consolidate FAM code in stat_cache
- [core] consolidate backend network write handlers
- [autobuild] allow sendfile() in cross-compile (fixes #2836)
- [core] quiet pedantic cc warning for excess comma
- [core] isolate backend fdevent handler defs
- [mod_openssl] error if ssl.engine in wrong section (fixes #2837)
- [core] fix lighttpd -1 one-shot graceful shutdown
- [mod_cgi] quiet trace if mod_cgi sends SIGTERM (fixes #2838)
- [build] fix link of test_configfile.c
- [core] quiet coverity false positive
- [mod_openssl] more pedantic check of return values
- [mod_openssl] allow specifying server cert chain (fixes #2692)
- [mod_openssl] ssl.openssl.ssl-conf-cmd (fixes #2758)
- [doc] NEWS – fix improper format line breaks
- [mod_authn_ldap] replace use of deprecated funcs
- [mod_authn_sasl] SASL auth (new) (fixes #2275)
- [mod_openssl] quiet trace from TCP probes (#2784)
- [core] fix dup typedef compiler warning
- [scons] fix various python2/3 incompatibilities
- [doc] fix doc/config/conf.d/fastcgi.conf example