Spring Tool Suite 是针对 Spring 集成开发工具,基于 Spring IDE ,提供了其它的一些特性,如基于 Spring dm Server 的 osgi 开发,及其它一些 Spring 项目的支持,如 Spring Roo、 Spring Batch 等。
Spring Tool Suite 3.9.1 更新如下:
- updated to Eclipse Oxygen.1a release (https://www.eclipse.org/oxygen/noteworthy/)
- includes support for JDK9 and JUnit 5 (https://www.eclipse.org/eclipse/news/4.7.1a/)
- updated Spring Cloud CLI integration (switch to on-demand install)
- experimental boot dashboard extension to inspect beans of running boot apps
- refactoring support to convert application.properties to application.yml
- a number of important bug fixes (organize imports shortcut is back, for example)
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/89538/spring-tool-suite-3-9-1