PHP 7.2.0 RC2 发布了。PHP(PHP:Hypertext Preprocessor)是一种在电脑上执行的脚本语言,主要是用途在于处理动态网页,也包含了命令列执行接口(command line interface),或者产生图形使用者接口(GUI)程式。改进日志如下:
14 Sep 2017, PHP 7.2.0RC2
– Core:
. Fixed Bug #75142 (buildcheck.sh check for autoconf version needs to be updated for v2.64). (zizzy at zizzy dot net, Remi)
– BCMath:
. Fixed bug #44995 (bcpowmod() fails if scale != 0). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #46781 (BC math handles minus zero incorrectly). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #54598 (bcpowmod() may return 1 if modulus is 1). (okano1220, cmb)
. Fixed bug #75178 (bcpowmod() misbehaves for non-integer base or modulus). (cmb)
– CLI server:
. Fixed bug #70470 (Built-in server truncates headers spanning over TCP packets). (bouk)
– Date:
. Fixed bug #75149 (redefinition of typedefs ttinfo and t1info). (Remi)
– GD:
. Fixed bug #75139 (libgd/gd_interpolation.c:1786: suspicious if ?). (cmb)
– Intl:
. Fixed bug #75193 (segfault in collator_convert_object_to_string). (Remi)
– Gettext:
. Fixed bug #73730 (textdomain(null) throws in strict mode). (cmb)
– Opcache
. Fixed incorect constant conditional jump elimination. (Dmitry)
– OpenSSL
. Automatically load OpenSSL configuration file. (Jakub Zelenka)
– SPL:
. Fixed bug #75155 (AppendIterator::append() is broken when appending another AppendIterator). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #75173 (incorrect behavior of AppendIterator::append in foreach loop). (jhdxr)
– Standard:
. Fixed bug #75152 (signed integer overflow in parse_iv). (Laruence)
. Fixed bug #75170 (mt_rand() bias on 64-bit machines). (Nikita)
– ZIP:
. Fixed bug #75143 (new method setEncryptionName() seems not to exist in ZipArchive). (Anatol)
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/88639/php-7-2-0-rc2