Tiny Core Linux 8.1 已发布,Tiny Core Linux 8.1 主要是对功能进行了小的更新和错误修复。
- patched busybox rpm2cpio lzma bug
- tc-config: static ip – from andyj
- added lzma functionality to busybox
- busybox updated 1.25.1 -> 1.27.1
- busybox CONFIG_FEATURE_SYSLOGD_READ_BUFFER_SIZE=512 re-established
- duplicated busybox syminks removed
- the firmware and tc-install content in the CorePlus ISO has been rationalised
Tiny Core Linux 可用于 x86 架构的32位和64位版本。有三个版本可供选择:
- Core,只有命令行界面
- TinyCore,具有最小的图形环境
- CorePlus,提供安装镜像文件,无线驱动程序和多个图形界面。
- Core-8.1 (11MB, MD5),
- TinyCore-8.1.iso (17MB, MD5)
- CorePlus-8.1.iso (139MB, MD5)
转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/88388/tiny-core-linux-8-1