
Ant Design 5.6.2发布

Ant Design 5.6.2发布

  • 🐞 Fix Dropdown with autoFocus not work as expect. #43002 @Yuiai01
  • 🐞 Fix InputNumber with prefix abnormal height under Form.Item of hasFeedBack#43049
  • 💄 Fix Input and InputNumber disabled style with addons. #42974 @kampiu
  • 🐞 Fix Upload trigger extra onChange event when upload the file exceeds maxCount#43034
  • 🐞 Fix export bundle size always contain rc-field-form even not use it. #43023
  • 🐞 Fix DatePicker disabledTime sometime can select disabled option. #42991 @linxianxi
  • 📖 Add FloatButton controlled demo and patch related warning info. #42835 @poyiding
  • 🐞 Fix Button with disabled still can interactive with sub component. #42949 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Drawer add max width to avoid exceed in small screen. #42914 @amir2mi
  • 🐞 Fix Table preserveSelectedRowKeys not working when checkStrictly configured. #42784 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer select count not sync when dynamic update data. #42785 @BoyYangzai
  • 🐞 Fix Radio.Button title not work and update typescript definition. #43012 @linxianxi

  • 🐞 修复 Dropdown 配置 autoFocus 无效的问题。#43002 @Yuiai01
  • 🐞 修复 InputNumber 设置 prefix 在 Form.Item hasFeedBack 内高度异常的问题。#43049
  • 💄 修复 Input 和 InputNumber 禁用状态样式。#42974 @kampiu
  • 🐞 修复 Upload 配置 maxCount 后,上传超出范围的文件仍然会触发 onChange 事件的问题。#43034
  • 🐞 修复打包时即便没有使用 rc-field-form 包仍然会包含它的问题。#43023
  • 🐞 修复 DatePicker 动态设置 disabledTime 时值不正确的问题。#42991 @linxianxi
  • 📖 补充 FloatButton 受控实例,并添加对应的 warning 提示。#42835 @poyiding
  • 🐞 修复 Button 禁用时子节点仍然可以交互的问题。#42949 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 Drawer 添加最大宽度以防止在小屏幕下超出的问题。#42914 @amir2mi
  • 🐞 修复 Table 设置 checkStrictly 时,preserveSelectedRowKeys 无效的问题。#42784 @linxianxi
  • 🐞 修复 Transfer 在动态变更数据时,展示的选中数不同步的问题。#42785 @BoyYangzai
  • 🐞 修复 Radio.Button title 属性不生效,并补齐对应定义。#43012 @linxianxi