MariaDB 10.2.8 发布了。MariaDB 数据库管理系统是 MySQL 的一个分支,主要由开源社区在维护,采用 GPL 授权许可 MariaDB 的目的是完全兼容 MySQL,包括 API 和命令行。
- InnoDB updated to 5.7.19
- CONNECT engine updated to 1.06.0001
- Beta support for MongoDB added
- Fix ST_GeomFromGeoJSON (MDEV-12181)
- Fix ST_AsGeoJSON (MDEV-12180)
- MariaDB Backup now included for Debian and Ubuntu (in MariaDB 10.2.7 it was released only for Red Hat, CentOS, and Fedora)
- Fedora 26 repositories have been added in this release.
- As per the MariaDB Deprecation Policy, this will be the last release of MariaDB 10.2 for Fedora 24.
- Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:
完整的改进记录请看 MariaDB 10.2.8, 代码推送详情请看 changelog.