
Ant Design 5.3.0发布

Ant Design 5.3.0发布

  •  Tooltip support arrow.pointAtCenter and deprecate arrow.arrowPointAtCenter#40989 @MadCcc
  •  Progress support custom size#40903 @kiner-tang
  •  Tour support custom zIndex#40982 @kiner-tang
  •  Table onHeaderCell support customize colSpan and rowSpan#40885
  •  Image.Group support onChange callback. #40857 @kiner-tang
  • App
  •  ConfigProvider support useConfig hook to get size and disabled in context. #40215 @xliez
  •  Breadcrumb support items prop. #40543 @heiyu4585
  •  Breadcrumb separators are unified into li elements. #40887 @heiyu4585
  •  Tooltip support auto arrow position & adjust position if possible. destroyTooltipOnHide.keepParent is deprecated since it will be always auto destroy unnecessary container now. #40632
  •  Rename preset colors in token, .e.g blue-1 to blue1, and deprecate tokens before. #41071
  •  Message use colorText in style. #41047 @Yuiai01
  •  Fix Select, TreeSelect, Cascader popup align position not correct when parent has transform: scale style. #41013
  •  Optimize rowScope style for Table. #40304 @Yuiai01
  •  Provide new AliasToken lineWidthFocus for outline-width of focused component. #40840 @MadCcc
  •  WeekPicker support hover style. #40772
  •  Adjust Select, TreeSelect, Cascader always show the arrow by default when multiple. #41028
  •  Fix Form Form.Item.useStatus problem with sever-side-rendering. #40977 @AndyBoat
  •  Fix arrow shape in some components. #40971 @MadCcc
  •  Fix Layout throw React does not recognize the suffixCls prop on a DOM element warning. #40969
  •  Fix Watermark that text will be displayed when the picture loads abnormally. #40770 @OriginRing
  •  Image support flip function in preview mode. Fix Image fallback when used in ssr. #40660
  •  Fix Typography component is not centered in the Select component. #40422 @Yuiai01
  •  Update locale vi_VN adding Vietnamese translation for Form component validation. #40992 @lamvananh
  • RTL
  • TypeScript

  •  Tooltip 组件新增 arrow.pointAtCenter, 废弃 arrow.arrowPointAtCenter#40989 @MadCcc
  •  Progress 组件支持自定义 size#40903 @kiner-tang
  •  Tour 组件支持自定义 zIndex#40982 @kiner-tang
  •  Table onHeaderCell 支持自定义 colSpan 和 rowSpan#40885
  •  Image.Group 支持 onChange 回调。#40857 @kiner-tang
  • App
  •  ConfigProvider 新增 useConfig 以获取上下文中的 size 和 disabled#40215 @xliez
  •  Breadcrumb 支持 items 数据驱动。#40543 @heiyu4585
  •  Breadcrumb 分隔符统一为 li 元素。#40887 @heiyu4585
  •  Tooltip 现在自动调整自身以及箭头位置以更好的展示。同时废弃 destroyTooltipOnHide.keepParent,现在总是会自动销毁不需要的容器。#40632
  •  重命名 token 中的预设颜色,如 blue-1 变为 blue1,废弃原有的 token。#41071
  •  Message 组件使用 colorText 优化样式。#41047 @Yuiai01
  •  修复 Select, TreeSelect, Cascader 父元素存在 transform: scale 样式时的对齐问题。#41013
  •  优化 Table 中 rowScope 的样式。#40304 @Yuiai01
  •  为组件聚焦时的 outline 提供新的 AliasToken lineWidthFocus#40840 @MadCcc
  •  WeekPicker 支持鼠标悬浮样式。#40772
  •  调整 Select, TreeSelect, Cascader 在多选时总是默认显示下拉箭头。#41028
  •  修复 Form 组件 Form.Item.useStatus 导致的服务端渲染问题。#40977 @AndyBoat
  •  修复部分组件箭头形状问题。#40971 @MadCcc
  •  修复 Layout 报错 React does not recognize the suffixCls prop on a DOM element 的问题。#40969
  •  修复 Watermark 组件图片加载异常时的问题,默认展示文字。#40770 @OriginRing
  •  Image 预览新增图片翻转功能。并修复 Image fallback 在 ssr 下失效的问题。#40660
  •  修复 Select 中使用 Typography 不居中的问题。#40422 @Yuiai01
  •  完善 Form 的 vi_VN 语言包。#40992 @lamvananh
  • RTL
  • TypeScript