
Netty 4.1.83.Final 发布

Netty 4.1.83.Final 发布

We are happy to announce the release of netty 4.1.83.Final. This release is a bug-fix release.

The most important changes are:

  • HTTP/2 header values with invalid characters are now rejected in header validation (#12760)
  • We now automatically generate conditional meta-data for native-image use, making GraalVM support more reliable (#12794)
  • Fix a scalability issue caused by instanceof and check-cast checks that lead to false-sharing on the Klass::secondary_super_cache field in the JVM (See JDK-8180450) (#12806)
  • Made the HTTP/2 HPACK static table implementation faster by using a perfect hash function (#12713)
  • Fixed a bug in our PEMParser when PEM files have multiple objects, and BouncyCastle is on the classpath (#12864)

转自 Netty.news: Netty 4.1.83.Final released