- fix(document): allow calling $assertPopulated() with values to better support manual population #12233
- fix(connection+mongoose): better handling for calling model() with 1 argument #12359
- fix(model): allow defining discriminator virtuals and methods using schema options #12326
- fix(types): fix MongooseQueryMiddleware missing “findOneAndReplace” and “replaceOne” #12330 #12329 Jule- lpizzinidev
- fix(types): fix replaceOne return type #12351 lpizzinidev
- fix(types): use this for return type from $assertPopulated() #12234
- docs: highlight how to connect using auth in README #12354 AntonyOnScript
- docs: improve jsdoc comments for private methods #12337 hasezoey
- docs: fix minor typo in compatibility table header #12355 skyme5