- feat(unstable/ffi): thread safe callbacks (#14942)
- fix(core): don’t panic on non-existent cwd (#14957)
- fix(docs): –watch arg is stable (#14970)
- fix(dts/ffi): non-exact types break FFI inference (#14968)
- fix(ext/crypto): add EcdhKeyDeriveParams to deriveKey types (#15005)
- fix(ext/ffi): empty buffers error with index out of bounds on FFI (#14997)
- fix(ext/web): remove
‘s error default (#14809)
- fix(lsp): restart TS language service when caching dependencies (#14979)
- fix(modules): immediately resolve follow-up dyn imports to a dyn imported
module (#14958)
- fix(runtime): derive default for deno_runtime::ExitCode (#15017)
- fix(task): remove –no-config as task subcommand argument (#14983)
- fix(test): typo (‘finsihed’) if text decoder not closed during test (#14996)
- fix(vendor): ignore import map in output directory instead of erroring
- fix: don’t error if Deno.bench() or Deno.test() are used in run subcommand
- perf(ext/ffi): optimize synchronous calls (#14945)
- perf(ext/web): avoid reallocations in op_base64_atob (#15018)
- perf(ext/web): use base64-simd for atob/btoa (#14992)
- perf(serde_v8): smallvec ByteString (#15008)