
Electron 19.0.5 发布

Electron  19.0.5 发布


  • Fixed a performance problem in crashReporter.start() on macOS. #34638 (Also in 1718)
  • Fixed an error where setWindowOpenHandler() would crash if the callback threw an error. #34546 (Also in 1820)
  • Fixed an issue where draggable regions were not recalculated when BrowserView bounds changed on Windows. #34611 (Also in 1820)
  • Fixed an issue where media keys would be sent to Electron on Windows no matter which window was in focus. #34646
  • Fixed an issue where normal bounds would not be appropriately updated if the user minimized with the minimize button. #34484 (Also in 1820)
  • Fixed an issue where passing { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] } in the filters param of open or save dialogs on Linux would disallow choosing files without an extension. #34517 (Also in 1820)
  • Fixed linux arm64 builds to not require glibc 2.29+. #34502 (Also in 20)

Other Changes

  • Fixed an issue where BrowserViews didn’t always visually update after call to setBounds#34642 (Also in 1820)
  • On Linux, changed the libgdk-pixbuf dependency to be dynamically linked rather than statically linked. #34602 (Also in 1820)
  • Updated Chromium to 102.0.5005.115. #34498