
Quarkus 2.7.6.Final 发布

Quarkus 2.7.6.Final 发布

Complete changelog

  • #25826 – SmallRye Metrics 3.0.5
  • #25804 – Fix broken link in Kubernetes extension docs
  • #25803 – Take native-sources build into account for various extensions
  • #25784 – ArC – fix io.quarkus.arc.All List injection
  • #25762 – Compiling a quarkus-cli to binary using native-sources breaks picocli
  • #25747 – Fix OpenShift case
  • #25741 – Update JBoss Parent version used in enforcer-rules test to avoid JBoss Nexus
  • #25739 – Resteasy Reactive: Fix support of media types with suffixes
  • #25738 – Changing “internral” by “internal” in OpenShift documentation
  • #25728 – Remove RegistrySnapshotCatalogCompatibilityTest
  • #25726 – Move @disabled to the class declaration from the method to avoid the test init
  • #25714 – Fix Guide Rest Client Reactive Exception Handling
  • #25661 – Regenerate rest client certificates
  • #25649 – AWT test suite: JDK versions ambiguity wrt JPEG compressed TIFF
  • #25641 – Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.1.5.Final
  • #25614 – Fix failure to handle non-JWT refresh tokens
  • #25612 – Bump jackson-bom from to 2.13.3
  • #25599 – Minor fix index.html codestart
  • #25562 – AWT tests: test_jpeg.tiff test affected by JDK-8274735, JDK 17.0.4 EA
  • #25557 – SmallRye GraphQL for Quarkus 2.7.x
  • #25534 – Use the same default for accept backlog as Vert.x uses
  • #25527 – Ensure that ParamConverter classes can access request scoped beans
  • #25512 – Fixed warning message parameter order
  • #25471 – Fix broken links
  • #25450 – Always connect grpcWS on document ready
  • #25449 – Can’t send request via gRPC DevUI
  • #25442 – Support optional for BeanParams
  • #25436 – Register TimestampDeserializer and SqlDateDeserializer for reflection
  • #25385 – Register Resource classes for reflection when custom MessageBodyWriter classes exist
  • #25383 – Add missing parentheses in Mutiny guide
  • #25353 – Use encoded request path in rest-client-reactive
  • #25350 – Correct typo in writing-extensions.adoc
  • #25334 – Add ClientBuilder service loader file to jaxrs-client-reactive
  • #25326 – Reactive REST client does not encode request path properly
  • #25305 – Jackson deserialisation Timestamp in native mode
  • #25291 – Properly pass media type to MessageBodyWriters
  • #25290 – Keep ordering for parsing cookies as it is important
  • #25277 – cookie parsing bug
  • #25266 – Add default sources unless default-jar has a custom classifier
  • #25263 – RESTEasy reactive passed null media type for MessageBodyWriters
  • #25255 – quarkus:dev not working with 2.8.2.Final
  • #25234 – Add OIDC TLS key store provider property
  • #25221 – Missing quarkus.oidc.tls.key-store-provider and quarkus.oidc.tls.trust-store-provider properties on OIDC extension
  • #25203 – Re-initialize the Maven repo system on POM change in DevMojo
  • #25191 – Ensure that RESTEasy Reactive Links works with async return types
  • #25189 – Quarkus resteasy reactive links ContextNotActiveException
  • #25184 – -Dquarkus.platform.version is not honored during reload of dev mode
  • #25169 – Prevent NPE when micrometer is disabled
  • #25160 – Fix smallrye-graphql-client artifact ID in application bom
  • #25157 – Quarkus BOM has a dependency with incorrect GAV
  • #25131 – Fix REST Client Reactive path handling for sub-resources
  • #25099 – NullPointer during Rest client creation when micrometer is disabled
  • #25086 – Fixed check whether non-test source sets were added
  • #25035 – Update OidcClientReactiveFilter to ensure only a single Authorization header is set
  • #25033 – Prevent unnecessary parameter array allocations
  • #25031 – Save empty array allocation when no path params exist
  • #25029 – REST Reactive Client when retried, Authorization header is multiplied by OidcClientRequestReactiveFilter
  • #25028 – Reactive REST client duplicates paths, described by subresources
  • #24957 – Use -DnoCode instead of legacy -DnoExamples
  • #24937 – Update Vert.x to version 4.2.7
  • #24929 – Documents dependencies for fonts and locales tests on systems with C.UTF-8 default locale
  • #24912 – Upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.12.9
  • #24908 – Configure the HTTP host when domain sockets are used
  • #24892 – Prevent filtering of resources at build time for Amazon lambda http and rest
  • #24875 – Make sure that headers added from pre-matching filters are taken into account
  • #24868 – Change Content type in prematch filter does not change content type when matching (reactive!)
  • #24865 – Fix potential IllegalAccessError in Spring Data JPA projection handling
  • #24864 – Change SmallRye GraphQL (+client) extensions’ status to stable
  • #24856 – Documentation: fix typo
  • #24852 – Update SmallRye Reactive Converters to version 2.7.0
  • #24826 – Only add existing classes directory to Gradle application model
  • #24805 – Provide link for Vert.x API @ConsumerEvent alternative
  • #24804 – Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.12.1 to 5.12.2
  • #24802 – Update to NOT exclude Oracle dev services
  • #24800 – Spring Data Interface Projection only works if defined in same repository as used
  • #24798 – Guard against a NPE in LoggingSetupRecorder
  • #24783 – Add support for sending query params as using a Map in Reactive Rest Client
  • #24781 – Quarkus 2.7.5 problem
  • #24777 – Documentation – Fix typo in word ‘kubectl’
  • #24771 – Datasources guide doesn’t mention Oracle?
  • #24770 – Transitive dependency on local module via local extension fails to build
  • #24764 – Allow us to configure dynamic query parameters in the rest client
  • #24739 – Quarkus unix domain socket path no longer used but placed onto instead
  • #24735 – Support modules with non-empty default classifier
  • #24730 – Bump spring-api jar version
  • #24729 – Maven 3.8.5 compatibility, update maven-invoker to 3.1.0
  • #24714 – Fix websockets codestart package name
  • #24713 – Generated class with websockets codestart always has package ilove.quark.us
  • #24702 – Update Infinispan to 13.0.8
  • #24701 – Update Infinispan to 13.0.8
  • #24699 – Skip Keycloak DevService if quarkus.oidc.provider is set
  • #24697 – DEV mode fails when using classified dependencies
  • #24688 – Fix expired certificates
  • #24687 – Improve dynamic resolution of MessageBodyWriter providers
  • #24669 – Re-enable Gradle multisource project test
  • #24645 – Fix autodetection of Java version for project creation using CLI
  • #24643 – Cannot create examples with Maven 3.8.5
  • #24642 – Hibernate Orm docs clarification: JNDI not supported
  • #24634 – Add closeBootstrappedApp mojo param to QuarkusBootstrapMojo
  • #24629 – hibernate-orm guide should mention JNDI is disabled
  • #24628 – Add all existing project source directory in application model
  • #24623 – Improve consistency/completeness of datasource documentation
  • #24613 – Regression: Quarkus-cli create app doesn’t auto-detect Host java version
  • #24589 – Apply some small optimizations to the generated Reactive REST Client
  • #24588 – AWT, Native: Removes a workaround for loading iio-plugin.properties
  • #24587 – Resolve config folder with user.dir for YAML source
  • #24580 – Disable async Vert.x DNS resolver when for Spring Cloud Config
  • #24556 – Update links to Hibernate Search documentation to point to 6.1
  • #24554 – Update Jackson BOM to
  • #24553 – Sample project with rest-client-codestart has test failures
  • #24551 – Add inject example as a comment & rm the tests in rest-client codestart
  • #24550 – Docs – fix extensions GAVs – quarkus-qpid-jms and quarkus-config-consul
  • #24548 – Guard BasicLoggingEnabler for concurrent test execution via synchronized
  • #24544 – Disable QuarkusCodestartBuildIT for now
  • #24538 – Add a note about info and update goals requiring at least Quarkus 2.x
  • #24535 – Register Protobuf enums in the native executable
  • #24534 – Make sure modules are compiled in the correct order in dev mode
  • #24524 – quarkus-junit5: Running non-Quarkus unit-tests in parallel fails
  • #24522 – Fix SmallRye Stork extension metadata
  • #24520 – quarkus:info/update is Quarkus 2.x series specific, documentation doesn’t mention that
  • #24510 – Native gRPC application: missing method “valueOf”
  • #24494 – Hibernate throws EnhancementException for embedded field in MappedSuperclass
  • #24491 – Allow reflective access to Jaeger DTO classes’ fields
  • #24478 – Support date headers correctly in event server
  • #24476 – Qute – fix validation of “cdi:” namespace expressions
  • #24475 – Creates Redis RunningDevService with proper connection url
  • #24473 – Redis Shared Dev Services Failed to Connect
  • #24470 – Panache EntityBase should flush on the right entity manager
  • #24467 – Support Uni and CompletionStage results for multipart responses in REST Client Reactive
  • #24452 – CDI issue with avro after migration to Quarkus 2.7
  • #24447 – Improve usability of RESTEasy Reactive server and client multipart handling
  • #24440 – Execute test plan with the deployment classloader as the TCCL
  • #24438 – Support large file uploads with Reactive REST Client
  • #24436 – Fix the Json deserializers code snippets
  • #24435 – Support large file downloads with Reactive REST Client
  • #24432 – Respect custom ConfigRoot.name in ConfigInstantiator & fix minLogLevel handling
  • #24408 – Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.1.3.Final
  • #24407 – Add lz4-java to quarkus-bom
  • #24405 – Reactive Rest client can not upload files bigger, than 2G
  • #24403 – Qute message bundles – ignore loop metadata during validation
  • #24402 – Reactive Rest client downloads only first 2G of file
  • #24394 – Panache: give a flush() method that pinpoints the right PU
  • #24392 – Set content-length to 0 when the Reactive REST Client sends empty POST or PUT
  • #24389 – Update SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.1.22
  • #24384 – Hot reload does not build multi module project in correct order
  • #24381 – Make some additional address resolver options configurable
  • #24380 – Last-Modified response header is not properly handled in QuarkusTests using MockHttpEventServer
  • #24374 – Set proper content type for DevUI template rendering
  • #24369 – Update SmallRye Config to 2.9.2
  • #24368 – Ensure that connection issues can be handled in Reactive REST Client
  • #24366 – DEV UI not working with nosniff http header
  • #24364 – Reactive REST Client NullPointerException
  • #24359 – Fix NPE when setting the logger level to null
  • #24358 – NullPointer when setting logger level to null
  • #24352 – Ease restriction on native-sources type and container image extension
  • #24351 – Cannot build native-source after adding container-image-buildpack extension.
  • #24349 – RestClient reactive, Post without entity: Content-Length should be set to 0
  • #24344 – REST Client is added to OpenAPI file
  • #24337 – Provide contextualized response in dev and test when Jackson deserialization fails
  • #24327 – Kafka deserializer generalization issues. Code from Kafka guide doesn’t work.
  • #24268 – Use -H:PrintAnalysisCallTreeType=CSV to generate csv call tree files
  • #24260 – Gradle quarkusGenerateCode task with composite build dependency causes jar does not exist
  • #24229 – Continuous testing is not picking up custom JUnit extension from same module
  • #23939 – Optional not working with @QueryParam in BeanParam
  • #23573 – Confusing, if not downright wrong, warning message
  • #23064 – Reenable MultiModuleKotlinProjectDevModeTest gradle test
  • #22119 – Mediatype defaults to the first listed mediatype in MessageBodyWriter (resteasy-reactive)
  • #20733 – Default native reports to CSV
  • #16429 – gradle quarkusBuild has error : SRCFG00035: Failed to load resource
  • #15982 – Resteasy Reactive: Enhance support for media types with suffix
  • #10402 – RemoteControlledSampler fails with “No strategy present in response. Not updating sampler.” in native mode