
DBeaver 22.0.5 发布

DBeaver 22.0.5 发布

  • Data editor:
    • Numbers formatting: digit group size option was added
    • Problem with unexpected change of timestamp values was fixed
    • Smooth scrolling on MacOS was improved (thanks to @Andrew0002)
  • Data transfer: XML format export was improved (encoding information)
  • SQL editor:
    • Results tab reuse behavior was fixed + new config option was added
    • Result logging was added for script execute task (thanks to @avandorp)
    • Redundant “Problems” view popup was removed
    • Keywords highlighting was fixed (problem with identifiers which start with underscore)
  • Diagrams:
    • Connected entities highlighting was added
    • Entities and columns search was improved
    • New diagram routing was added
    • Problem with unreadable comments was fixed (dark theme)
    • Export in SVG and Graphml formats was improved
    • Pseudo columns were removed from diagrams
    • Diagram re-arrange was fixed
    • Many minor bugs were fixed
  • Connections:
    • Creating connection from JDBC URL was improved
    • Opening connection using CLI was improved (extra option -save was added)
  • Preference pages: problem with small font size ws resolved
  • Linux:
    • Problem with workspace load was fixed on some
    • Problem with UI freeze in connection type editor was fixed
  • PostgreSQL:
    • SSPI authentication support was added (problem with JNA library conflicts was resolved)
    • Read-only connections support was improved (restrict of DML queries)
    • Scheduled jobs management was added
  • SQL Server:
    • External tables metadata read was fixed
    • NTLM authentication support was fixed
  • Italian localization was improved (thanks to @andreagualandi)
  • Chinese localization was improved (thanks to @bianyun1981)

转自 DBeaver Community | Free Universal Database Tool