- 🐞 Fix Form that not keep store value when unmount and mount again. #34845
- 🐞 Fix Pagination under
<ConfigProvider componentSize="large" />
should display middle size Select. #34756
- 🐞 fix Skeleton to unable to render
of non-react element. #34751 @1247748612
- 💄 Fix Tag
less variable not work. #34741
- 🐞 修复 Form 在整个被 unmount 后再次 mount,原 Form 的值会被重置的问题。#34845
- 🐞 修复 Pagination 在
<ConfigProvider componentSize="large" />
下的 Select 大小问题。#34756
- 🐞 修复 Skeleton 不渲染非 react element 类型的
问题。#34751 @1247748612
- 💄 修复 Tag
less 变量不生效的问题。#34741