
Ant Design 4.15.5 发布

Fix Upload crashes if beforeUpload returns false in IE. #30391 @OleksandrAntonenko1

  • Calendar
    • Fix Calendar broken style inside Form.Item. #30442
    • Fix Calendar throws error when set value to null or undefined. #30442
  • Table
    • Fix Table call confirm({ closeDropdown: true }) in filterDropdown should not trigger onFilterDropdownVisibleChange. #30457
    • Fix Table broken expand icon style in Windows Firefox. #30410
  • Fix Dropdown.Button don’t support mouseEnterDelay and mouseLeaveDelay. #30452
  • Optimize Rate focus behavior from :focus to :focus-visible. #30451
  • Fix Steps with progress get cut at the bottom. #30373 @fachreza73
  • Fix the problem that setting locale in DatePicker cannot override ConfigProvider locale. #30380 @Map1en
  • Locale
  • TypeScript
    • Export Tooltip zIndex prop typescript definition. #30432


  • 修复 Upload 在 IE 下,beforeUpload 返回 false 的报错问题。#30391 @OleksandrAntonenko1
  • Calendar
    • 修复 Calendar 在 Form.Item 下样式错乱的问题。#30442
    • 修复 Calendar value 设置 nullundefined 时报错的问题。#30442#30442
  • Table
    • 修复 Table filterDropdown 调用 confirm({ closeDropdown: true }) 时也会触发 onFilterDropdownVisibleChange 的问题。#30457
    • 修复 Table 展开图标在 Windows Firefox 下显示异常的问题。#30410
  • 修复 Dropdown.Button 不支持 mouseEnterDelaymouseLeaveDelay 的问题。#30452
  • 优化 Rate 聚焦行为从 :focus:focus-visible#30451
  • 修复 Steps 进度条圆圈在底部被切掉的问题。#30373 @fachreza73
  • 修复在 DatePicker 里设置 locale 不能覆盖 ConfigProvider locale 的问题。#30380 @Map1en
  • 国际化
  • TypeScript
    • Tooltip 导出 zIndex 类型定义。#30432


Assets 2


转自 https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/releases