数据库管理工具 DBeaver 社区版 5.2.3 已发布,下载地址 >>> https://dbeaver.io/download。
可以看到,现在已使用 Eclipse 2018-09 作为默认平台,并添加了对 Java 11、Azure SQL 驱动的支持。还显著改进了对 AWS Athena 的支持。此外,表重命名过程可通过表编辑器进行(MySQL, PG, Oracle, DB2)。
- Object (tables, columns, etc) editor was redesigned
- Statistics/misc tab was added to object editors
- Data transfer supports document-oriented databases now
- Table rename procedure is available from the table editor (MySQL, PG, Oracle, DB2)
- Long operations canceling was fixed
- “Tip of the day” popup was added
- Java 11 support was added
- Azure SQL driver was added
- AWS Athena support was significantly improved
- AWS Redshift:
- Spectrum and external tables support was added
- Columns and foreign keys metadata reading was fixed
- Cockroach: foreign keys reading was fixed (for ERD)
- Vertica: performance for data reading from big tables was improved
- PostgreSQL: support transactions in tools (Truncate and others) was added
- Oracle: TIMESTAMPTZ and TIMESTAMPLTZ data types support was fixed
- Greenplum: session manager was added
- SQL Server: sequences info reading was fixed
- Clickhouse: GROUP BY/ORDER BY functions in grouping panel were fixed
- Eclipse 2018-09 is now the default platform.
- Extra command line parameters were added
- German and Russian localizations were significantly improved
- A lot of minor UI fixes
DBeaver 是一个通用的数据库管理工具和 SQL 客户端,支持 MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase, Mimer, HSQLDB, Derby, 以及其他兼容 JDBC 的数据库。
DBeaver 提供一个图形界面用来查看数据库结构、执行 SQL 查询和脚本,浏览和导出数据,处理 BLOB/CLOB 数据,修改数据库结构等等。
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/101042/dbeaver-5-2-3-released