SparkyLinux 5.5 已正式发布,代号“Nibiru” 。这是一个基于 Debian GNU/Linux 测试分支的发行版,维护着多个分支和版本。SparkyLinux 也是轻量级的、快速的、简单的 Linux 发行版,它被设计为既适合老旧的也适合新式的计算机,并以定制的 Enlightenment 和 LXDE 桌面为特色。
SparkyLinux 5.5 采用滚动发布模式,基于 Debian 测试分支“Buster”。镜像下载地址 >>>
新版本更新内容包括次要的软件包更新,默认编译器由 GCC 7 升级到了 GCC 8。其他变更:
– system updated from Debian testing repos as of September 17, 2018
– Linux kernel 4.18.6 (4.18.8- & 4.19-rc4-sparky are available at Sparky “unstable” repos)
– the Calamares installer updated up to version 3.2.1
– Thunar daemon is deactiveted in the MinimalGUI Live (Openbox), due to problem of automounting new partitions created by Calamares
– GCC 7 compiler has been removed, the system uses GCC 8 as default
– removed packages: libpam-gnome-keyring, vim, imagemagick, systemd-ui, sparky-gexec, xterm (Openbox)
– also removed from LXQt media: lxtask, leafpad, notepqdqq
– added new packages: seahorse, rxvt-unicode (Openbox), qps (LXQt), featherpad (LXQt)
– the Calamares and Advanced Installer remove Cryptsetup packages now (Calamares removes the packages if the system is not installed on an encrypted disk/partition)
– a terminal emulator used by Sparky tools has been changed from xterm to rxvt-unicode with pseudotransparency (Openbox), thank’s to lami07
– small fixes