Apache Commons Weaver 2.0 已发布,Apache Commons Weaver 通过在类中生成(”weaving”)字节码,提供一种简单的方法来增强已编译的 Java 类。
2.0 要求 Java 8 及以上版本,其他更改包括:
New features: o WEAVER-19: Upgrade to Java 8. o WEAVER-24: Blueprint method references. Fixed Bugs: o WEAVER-16: NullPointerException when weaving class with no package. o WEAVER-17: Maven plugin was packaged without its (generated) HelpMojo class. o WEAVER-23: Privilizer Weaver computes Object for all variable types in catch context. Changes: o WEAVER-20: Remove commons-io, commons-collections dependencies. o WEAVER-21: Upgrade xbean-finder to v4.9. o WEAVER-22: Upgrade modules to ASM 6.2.1. o WEAVER-25: Reject blueprint methods that access entities that would be inaccessible. o WEAVER-26: Upgrade to commons-parent v47.
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/99754/apache-commons-weaver-2-0-released