
Apache Atlas 1.0.0 正式发布,数据治理系统

Apache Atlas 1.0.0 现已正式发布,Atlas 是一个可伸缩和可扩展的核心功能治理服务。企业可以利用它高效的管理 Hadoop 以及整个企业数据生态的集成。


Apache Atlas 1.0 包括以下的新增功能

  • Introduction of relationships as a first-class type
  • Support for propagation of classifications along entity relationships – like lineage
  • Fine-grained metadata security, which enables access controls up to entity instance level
  • Introduction of Glossary feature
  • Introduction of V2 style notifications
  • Introduction of Atlas hook for HBase
  • Support for Cassandra and Elasticsearch (tech-preview)

详细更新请查看 http://atlas.apache.org/WhatsNew-1.0.html

转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/96759/apache-atlas-1-0-0-released