Underscore.js 1.9.0 已发布,Underscore 是一个 JavaScript 工具库,提供了一整套函数式编程的实用功能,但是没有扩展任何 JavaScript 内置对象。
- Adds the _.restArguments function for variadic function handling.
- Adds the _.chunk function for chunking up an array.
- Adds a _.isSymbol, _.isMap, _.isWeakMap, _.isSet and _.isWeakSet functions.
- _.throttle and _.debounce return functions that now have a .cancel() method, which can be used to cancel any scheduled calls.
- _.property now accepts arrays of keys and indexes as path specifiers, for looking up a deep properties of a value.
- _.range now accepts negative ranges to generate descending arrays.
- Adds support for several environments including: WebWorkers, browserify and ES6 imports.
- The placeholder used for partial is now configurable by setting
. _.bindAll
now accepts arrays or arguments for keys.- Three years of performance improvements.
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95388/underscorejs-1-9-0-released