
ProxySQL v1.4.7 发布,数据中间层项目

ProxySQL v1.4.7 发布,数据中间层项目

ProxySQL v1.4.7 发布了。ProxySQL 是一个高性能,高可用性,的数据中间层项目。

此版本修复了ProxySQL Admin中的错误:


  • Added proxysql-status  tool to dump ProxySQL configuration and statistics.

Bug 修复:

  • PSQLADM-2: ProxySQL galera checker script didn’t check if another instance of itself is already running. While running more then one copy of proxysql_galera_checker in the same runtime environment at the same time is still not supported, the introduced fix is able to prevent duplicate script execution in most cases.
  • PSQLADM-40: ProxySQL scheduler generated a lot of proxysql_galera_checker  and  proxysql_node_monitor processes in case of wrong ProxySQL credentials in proxysql-admin.cnf file.
  • PSQLADM-41: Timeout error handling was improved with clear messages.
  • PSQLADM-42: An inconsistency of the date format in ProxySQL and scripts was fixed.
  • PSQLADM-43proxysql_galera_checker didn’t take into account the possibility of special characters presence in mysql-monitor_password.
  • PSQLADM-44proxysql_galera_checker generated unclear errors in the proxysql.log file if wrong credentials where passed.
  • PSQLADM-46proxysql_node_monitor script incorrectly split the hostname and the port number in URLs containing hyphen character.



转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/95231/proxysql-1-4-7-released