
Redis 4.0.9 发布,修复关于 AOF 严重的 bug 和新增功能

Redis 4.0.9 发布,修复关于 AOF 严重的 bug 和新增功能

Redis 4.0.9 已发布,发布说明显示,该版本新增了一些有趣的功能,也修复了重要的关于 AOF 的 bug。

关于修复 AOF 严重的 bug 的详细描述请查看更新说明


Bug 修复

  • Latency monitor could report wrong latencies under certain conditions.
  • AOF rewriting could fail when a backgronud rewrite is triggered and at the same time the AOF is switched on/off.
  • Redis Cluster crash-recovery safety improved.
  • Other smaller fixes (check commnits).


  • Redis Cluster has now the ability to configure certain slaves so that they’ll never attempt a failover.
  • Keyspace notifications API in modules.
  • RM_Call() is now faster by reusing the same client.
  • Tracking of the percentage of keys already logically expired but yet not evicted.
  • Other smaller improvements (check commits)


转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94741/redis-4-0-9-released