GoLand 2018.1 公开预览发布。GoLand 是 JetBrains 公司推出的 Go 语言集成开发环境。GoLand 同样基于 IntelliJ 平台开发,支持 JetBrains 的插件体系。此版本不再注重 bug 的修复,而是注重新功能的研发。
- TypeScript 2.7 support
- The new Surround with type guard quick-fix is available for unresolved properties.
- The Rename refactoring for classes now offers to rename the file as well. The refactoring is now available as an intention action on classes.
- If you have the prettier package installed, the IDE will provide the Reformat with Prettier action.
- The new Extract a Vue component refactoring.
- The package managers are now easier to manage. You can now specify explicitly whether to use npm or Yarn to install dependencies and run scripts.
- If you’ve migrated to webpack 4, the IDE offers coding assistance for option names in the webpack configuration file.
- The npm scripts can now be run similar to tests using the gutter icons right in the editor.
转自 https://www.oschina.net/news/94409/goland-2018-1-public-preview