VirtualBox 5.2.8 已发布。VirtualBox 是甲骨文(Oracle)公司推出的跨平台开源虚拟化软件,支持 GNU/Linux,Windows、macOS 和 Solaris 等各种系统。
该版本支持最新的 Linux kernel 4.15,使其成为那些想要尝鲜最新的 Bionic Beaver(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)每日构建版的用户的理想选择。
随着在 Linux kernel 与 VirtualBox guest additions 的集成,VirtualBox 将在 Linux 主机上更好用。
Virtualbox 5.2.8 的其他变化和改进包括:
- Support for FSGSBASE, PCID, INVPCID CPU features for guests
- Improved auto-resizing of windows on HiDPI screens
- Fix for a seamless integration mode regression
- Fix for a crash in New machine wizard
- Ability to distinguish recording sources when multiple VMs are running
- Improvements to DirectSound backend
- Better file seeking support of recorded files in Firefox
- HDA emulation in Windows guests
- Linux 4.15 support
- Fix for black screen when 3D enabled in Linux guests
- Suppress setuid, setgid in shared folders on Linux guests