
CakePHP 2.10.8 发布,PHP 开发框架

CakePHP 2.10.8 发布,PHP 开发框架

CakePHP 2.10.8 已发布,这是 2.10 分支的维护版本,修复了几个社区报告的问题。


  • Queries using COUNT(DISTINCT field) are now quoted correctly on SQLServer.
  • Mcrypt is now an optional dependency of CakePHP. You can use the Security.useOpenSslconfiugration flag to force encrypt()/decrypt() to use ext/openssl now. This improves compatibility with PHP 7.2
  • Updated PHPUnit version constraint to match messaging in test shell.
  • When query execution returns false and doesn’t raise an exception, the correct _result property is now updated.


转自 http://www.oschina.net/news/93651/cakephp-2-10-8